Welcome dear visitor!
Thank you for visiting our little restorer blog. Below you can find all the useful information, in short, about our career in the past and our contact details, if you think you have something for us.

About Us

  My name is Gedeon G. Peter. My wife is Narancsik Monika.
  We graduated from the Hungarian --------- as licensed Painting Restorer artists. 
  Since then, we've been working at our personal workshop, restoring paintings and we're also taking [kiszállásos] commissions where we try to save and restore the decorational frescos and painting works of churches, [középületek] and personal homes.
We're also accepting commissions for the needed exploration works and creating documentations for obtaining authorisation [műemléki engedély] and decorational painting works on any wished carrier.

Our area of expertise/work

¤ The professional conservation and restoration of paintings made on canvas, wood or any other carrier.
¤ Wall-exploration, the exploration, conservation and restoration of wall paintings/frescos.
¤ Making the documentations of the restorational process.
¤ Painting frescos, wall paintings.
¤ Portrait painting
¤ Set-painting 

Our profession Résumé

Among our multiple works, some of the most relevant were the:
-Reconstructional restoration of Keleti Pályaudvar (Eastern Station's) Lotz Károly frescos, where we restored the Industrial and Agrarian imagery [representation?]
-The restoration of the Lónyai Reformed Church's XIII. and XVII. century [figurális] and ornamental frescos.
-The restoration of the Gyöngyösi Reformed Church's inner, XIX. century decorational painting.
-The exploration of the inner walls of the Budajenői baroque Scottish- [bencés] parish church, the restoration of the baroque [diadalív]'s and the main altar's paintings and the reconstruction of the church's inner decorational painting.
-The restoration of the Saint Donath chapel's neo-baroque paintings at Budapest.
-Leading the restoration process of the Korláti Reformed church's roman and gothic interior and exterior walls.
-The restoration of New York palace's panno (enormous wall painting) by Mannheimer and Eisenhut, titled 'Midnight'.
-The restoration of Pázmány Péter University's St. Anna altar-piece (5x3m)
-The restoration of the Hági close's exterior sgrafitto facade at Roses square.
-The resoration of Budakeszi's Roman chatolic church's 4 baroque altar's wall paintings. 
-Also, the restoration of numerous Greek catholic [ikonosztáz]: Rudabányácska XVIII. century, Nyíracsád XVIII. century, the survived pieces of Hodász's Greek chatolic Churces collection.
-The exploration, coloring and restoring with detacment of the Hajdúborog Greek chatolic cathedral's [klasszicista] wall paintings.
            -The pre-exploration, exploration and cleaning of the XII-XIII. century Final Judgment wall painting found in the Syrian Margat castle.
Also, the restoration of numerous table and canvas painting and the creation of decorational wall paintings. 

Contact details:

Beniczky Péter utca 21.

Company name:
Gimonida Művészeti alkotó és szolgáltató Bt.

Telephone number:
home: 06 27/41 22 33
mobile: Gedeon Gergely Péter: 06 20/3 68 24 34
            Narancsik Mónika: 06 20/4 68 22 95